A Happy Mouth Is A Smiley Mouth
Preventing gum disease is a simple thing to do for most people and prevention does not take that much time. A little physical effort is necessary, however, since in order to prevent gum disease one must commit to cleaning their teeth on a daily basis. This means tasks such as brushing and flossing should become regular occurrences in one’s hygienic routine.
Brushing Frequency
Although the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing twice a day and flossing once a day, brushing, as well as flossing more frequently could boost chances of preventing gum disease even further. This is important because although brushing in the morning and at night might be sufficient in most cases, times may arise when teeth feel as if they need a toothbrush during the middle of the day. This can happen during occasions when bacterial film feels more prominent than usual against the teeth. Moreover eating foods in the middle of the day that become stuck between teeth may call for additional flossing.
Using the Best Toothbrush
Efficient toothbrushes might be the most important factor in preventing gum disease since they are used to clean plaque forming bacteria and foodstuff from the teeth. This is why regular toothbrush replacement is a vital factor in maintaining the ability to brush with the most effective bristles. Toothbrushes should be soft because soft bristles are able to maneuver more easily around the teeth than hard ones. In addition, firm bristles may scratch away enamel and provide passages for bacteria to enter the teeth.
Toothbrushes come in a wide variety of styles and many of them have bristles that are longer in the front than they are in the back of the brush. Longer brush heads make it possible to guide bristles to the back of the mouth where they can get across molars that may otherwise be near impossible to reach. Using toothbrushes with extended rear bristles is a great way to help prevent gum disease from developing near wisdom teeth.
The ADA recommends spin brushes (electric brushes) for those who have limited mobility with their tooth brushing hand. Spin brushes are able to maneuver around and between teeth in a most effective manner.
Providing Smaller Toothbrushes to Kids
In order to deter gum disease in children’s mouths so they can grow up to have happy smiles it is a good idea to provide them with child-sized toothbrushes. Child sized toothbrushes have less bristles that make it easier to maneuver them throughout smaller mouths. Child-sized toothbrushes also have smaller handles that afford children’s hands the ability to grip and control them more easily.
Replacing Frayed Toothbrushes
Toothbrushes do not remain in ideal condition forever. All the brushing against teeth that are much harder and more durable than toothbrush bristles eventually causes the bristles to fray. Frayed toothbrush bristles cannot clean teeth as well as straightened bristles that are more compact. Frayed bristles tend to lie down against the teeth rather than stand up against them during the brushing process. The ADA recommends changing toothbrushes every three to four months. For best results, change toothbrushes sooner if they fray in less than three months.
Flossing the Teeth
No matter how efficiently one brushes their teeth with the best toothbrush on the market, toothbrushes cannot reach between teeth the way dental floss can. This is why flossing on a daily basis is the best way to remove foodstuff and to keep plaque-forming bacteria from damaging areas between the teeth.
Dental floss comes in a waxed form and in an un-waxed form. The un-waxed version may glide between teeth more easily than the waxed version. All the same, users should try different brands since no matter if they are waxed or un-waxed, dental floss thickness or durability varies from one type to another. A way to help in the flossing process is to opt to use floss that comes connected to a hand held device. Floss on these devices is premeasured and it remains stiff as it moves between the teeth.
Eat Foods that Encourage Healthy Teeth
Another important thing to do when striving to ward off gum disease is to eat a proper diet, and in fact, the ADA recommends eating foods from the basic food groups as well as limiting snacks.
See Your Dentist Regularly
Regular dental visits helps to prevent gum disease in ways most people cannot do on their own. This is because dentists and their assistants clean teeth using special tools the public does not possess. At dental offices, tooth x-rays are taken that monitor teeth from the roots up to the surface. What is more, is that during examinations, dentists inspect teeth and gums and are able to detect signs that gum disease may be beginning. Detecting early signs of gum disease called gingivitis is the best way to prevent the latter stage – periodontitis. This is important because gingivitis can be eliminated with proper treatment. When gingivitis is eliminated, periodontitis, which causes tooth movement and loss, is less likely to begin. Most dentists as well as the ADA continue to concur that a dental cleaning every six months is still the best way to go when warding off gum disease.
Antimicrobial Mouth rinses and Toothpaste
When choosing toothpaste and mouth rinses it is important to select products that have the ADA seal. The ADA accepts products and approves them for use once manufactures show that their goods perform as they claim they do. Although toothpastes are intended for brushing and mouth rinses are used for swishing both of these products help to rid bacteria from the mouth. Ridding bacteria is important since these little buggers cause gum disease forming plaque.
Toothbrushes that live up to the recommended standard may receive the ADA seal of approval just as mouth rinses and toothpastes. Therefore, when choosing a toothbrush, it is a good idea to look for those that have demonstrated that they perform the way you expect them to based on information manufacturers provide on their packaging. In addition to brushing, flossing, rinsing, and dental visiting, it is important to use toothpaste that contains fluoride and to drink fluoridated water to help prevent gum disease.
Keeping your mouth happy keeps the rest of you happy too!