Tips for Fighting Traffic Citations

Getting pulled over for traffic violations is stressful and demeaning. Drivers sit in their vehicles feeling like all the world’s eyes are upon their faces while intimidating officers with guns verify the unarmed drivers’ licenses and registrations. Awareness and belief of actually committing offenses carries no more weight than ignorance of doing what officers accuse. When pulled over, drivers are at the mercy of officers and pretty much what the officers say is what must go.

In the end, accusing officers hand alleged offenders citations while requesting drivers sign them. Signing citations, at least in some states, means drivers are promising to appear in court for alleged offenses. Even when drivers don’t believe they’ve committed offenses, they go on and sign the tickets because they can’t wait to get away from their degrading accusers. Degrading accusers that have virtually forced them to sign tickets and virtually guaranteed them fines and/or court time. Court time most drivers loathe because they haven’t the foggiest idea how to defend themselves; and most cannot afford to hire attorneys for traffic violations.

For those who can afford an attorney or who earn so little income that law requires the court to appoint one for them, the actual traffic violation fight is off their hands. Their attorneys will take care of everything for them. All they’ll need to do is stand in court and look innocent. The not so fortunate – the unrepresented – will be on their own.

The first thing to do when beginning to fight a traffic ticket is to rid intimidation officers instill. The second thing to do is realize that even when represented by attorneys, all traffic violation cases will not be won. The third thing is to go online and look up citation codes appearing on the tickets. Each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles website has a list of citation codes. Alleged traffic violators must read the data related to their alleged violation to make certain the code suggests they committed the alleged offenses. Sometimes officers write incorrect codes on citations. In these instances, officers have very difficult times trying to explain to judges actions they accused drivers of that are completely out of line with actual occurrences. These cases will likely be dismissed.

When DMV sites confirm citation codes, alleged offenders shouldn’t throw in the towel. Instead, they should read all the ifs, ands, and buts associated with alleged violations. This should be done, because often times lawful criteria associated with vehicle codes, if not in accordance with the codes, may be enough to provide winning ammunition for alleged offences. In other words, if an officer stops a driver for parking in a no parking zone, the driver goes online and discovers no parking signs are supposed to be erected certain distances apart and the coloring and lettering is supposed to be displayed in manners in which they weren’t, drivers accused of parking in these zones can arm themselves with potential winning ammunition against their accusing officers.

An important thing about going to court – even when drivers don’t think they will win their cases in courtrooms, all is not lost because sometimes officers don’t show up for court. When officers “fail to appear”, at least in some states, judges are likely to dismiss that officer’s cases. When cases are dismissed drivers are in the clear.

These are a mere few tips for fighting traffic tickets. The main point is to realize you may have a chance of beating violations cited against you.


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