Welcome Heart and Flower Lovers

Hello visitors whom I hope to become members of this site!

My name is R. Renée Bembry. I am a published author of articles and children’s poetry. I have eBooks listed at Amazon.com; and children’s poetry published in educational books and audio. I used to write for online magazines but decided to start this site because my works were all over the place. Here, I intend to concentrate on happy stuff! Which is why I call this site HeartAndFlowerBox.com.

If you have a heart, and enjoy the beauty of flowers, you can join me in making this website all about life’s positive vibrations! All that makes others smile, fills their brains with meaningful knowledge, or both, will be posted here to make this site a fun place to hang out, communicate, and learn as we love, laugh, and write together, sharing our knowledge, thoughts, and feelings with happiness taking center stage.

Participation is simple. All necessary is to join this site, read articles and posts, write articles and comments, and interact with other site members as they signup.

In giving my thanks to members participating in making this site a fun learning place to visit, I am developing a system that will award points for specific types of activities. Participating, members will be awarded these activity points and will be able to redeem them for toys and gifts at PurpleToyShop.com. Point redemption setup is still in the works, however, the ability to earn points is up and going right now!

With that said… Here’s to hoping you will join me!
